• adaptive reuse stories from the trenches

    Adaptive Reuse: Stories from the Trenches

    Ian Smith, Rob Fleming, Director of Sustainability at FCA, and Mary Holland, Principal at Cicada Architecture + Planning were part of the discussion “Adaptive Reuse:…

  • New River Presbyterian

    Client Spotlight: New River Presbyterian

    Exciting things are in the works for the newly merged congregations in West Philadelphia. New River Presbyterian connects First African Presbyterian Church, Calvin Presbyterian Church,…

  • Down North Treehouse

    Down North Treehouse

    Katie and Ian recently attended a fundraiser for our new client: Down North Treehouse. Katie created the renderings for their future teen advocacy center. Down…

  • Race Architecture

    Race + Public Space Event

    Ian participated in the event Race + Public Space in December 2017 hosted by PlanPhilly, Urban Consulate, PhilaNOMA, Community Design Collaborative, and Philadelphia Association of…