Exciting things are in the works for the newly merged congregations in West Philadelphia. New River Presbyterian connects First African Presbyterian Church, Calvin Presbyterian Church, and Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church together and as a result, led to them convening to discuss their collective needs and identify all of the resources and assets available to the community in East Parkside. Ian was invited to participate in the community engagement asset mapping exercise conducted by Partners for Sacred Spaces. The church is located at 4159 West Girard Avenue at the former First African Presbyterian Church and is working on a comprehensive plan to adaptively reuse the space for artists, educators, healthcare providers, non-profits, and entrepreneurs – all for the benefit of the East Parkside community. Partners for Sacred Spaces is a national non-profit dedicated to the active use and stewardship of historic houses of worship. First African Presbyterian Church was originally founded in 1807 and the building at 4159 West Girard Avenue was built in 1912.