• Project Spotlight: Ziehler Playground

    Project Spotlight: Ziehler Playground

    On Friday, May 12, 2023, Mayor Kenney and various city officials were on site to kick off the most recent Rebuild investment project. Ziehler Playground…

  • ULI Philadelphia Awards

    ULI Philadelphia Awards for Excellence

    IS-DG is a finalist in the ULI Philadelphia’s 2023 Biennial Awards for Excellence! Our project HarrowGate Dye Works Revival is included as a finalist in…

  • PhilaNOMA

    PhilaNOMA Appointment

    Ian has been appointed as the Vice President of PhilaNOMA, The Philadelphia Chapter of the National Organization of Minority Architects. PhilaNOMA was formed in 1993…

  • IS-DG video


    Much of who we are as people comes from the stories we have been told as well as the ones that we are a part…
  • New River Presbyterian

    Client Spotlight: New River Presbyterian

    Exciting things are in the works for the newly merged congregations in West Philadelphia. New River Presbyterian connects First African Presbyterian Church, Calvin Presbyterian Church,…

  • Down North Treehouse

    Down North Treehouse

    Katie and Ian recently attended a fundraiser for our new client: Down North Treehouse. Katie created the renderings for their future teen advocacy center. Down…

  • NAIOP Drexel Summer Real Estate Program

    NAIOP-Drexel Summer Real Estate Program

    The NAIOP-Drexel Summer Real Estate Program is a 10-day immersive residential summer program for high school students of color. It introduces them to careers in…

  • Office Charrette

    Office Charrette

    A recent project came through where we were able to utilize the combined talents of our team. With our interns participating, we facilitated an in-house…